Thursday, July 12, 2018

Something I never cared about until now!

All highness, FITNESS 

1. Treat your body as the most prized possession. Nourish it! Protect it! Do not over-abuse the gift we have got to travel throughout our life.

2. Eat clean. Food is like fuel. Would you put bad fuel in your car if you know it degrades the performance and harms the engine? I try to avoid as much junk as I can except deserts! I really really have soft corners for them.

3. Exercise daily for 30 minutes. Be it walking, running, yoga, jog whatever suits you. I have started walking daily. Soon I am gonna start morning jogging and slowly try yoga. It takes a lot to come out of the comfort zone and not procrastinate.

Fitness is a lifestyle and addictive once you begin. You would never go back as it feels so good to be the best of yourself. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Books to read on my list!

Head First Design Patterns
Effective Java
Domain Driven Design
Clean Code
Gangs of four design pattern

Victoria Canada Trip

 Victoria city to do and must have  1. Parliament building  2. Waterfront  3. Mini sea-bus at waterfront  4. Fisherman wharf   5. Museum (op...