Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Elementary schools in Surrey

 1. Cornerstone montessori - 20th Jan open house

2. Pacific Academy

3. French school Gabrielle Roy

https://www.surreyschools.ca/page/1005/how-to-apply-online - 29th Jan apply
South Point - applications for KG closed

  •  Southridge ranked #1 with a rating of 10 -- applications for KG closed on 1st Dec
  •    Diamond ranked #1 with a rating of 10 -- crescent heights applied - to fill the form
  •    Iqra Islamic ranked #19 with a rating of 9.8
  •    Star Of The Sea ranked #27 with a rating of 9.5 - apply Jan 24th
  •    Khalsa (Surrey) ranked #35 with a rating of 9.2
  •    Chantrell Creek ranked #40 with a rating of 9.1
  •    Our Lady Of Good Counsel ranked #45 with a rating of 9.0
  •    Pacific Academy ranked #73 with a rating of 8.6 -- applied
  •    Cloverdale Catholic ranked #73 with a rating of 8.6 - to visit in person
  •    Semiahmoo Trail ranked #73 with a rating of 8.6
  •    Regent Christian ranked #121 with a rating of 7.9 - applied
  •    Dr. F D Sinclair ranked #121 with a rating of 7.9
  •    Cornerstone Montessori ranked #121 with a rating of 7.9 - call and book a tour
  •    Bayridge ranked #130 with a rating of 7.8
  •    Morgan ranked #141 with a rating of 7.7
  •    G.A.D ranked #141 with a rating of 7.7
  •    Laronde ranked #153 with a rating of 7.6
  •    White Rock Christian ranked #312 with a rating of 6.7

Word Wrap Question


We are building a word processor and we would like to implement a "word-wrap" functionality.

Given a list of words followed by a maximum number of characters in a line, return a collection of strings where each string element represents a line that contains as many words as possible, with the words in each line being concatenated with a single '-' (representing a space, but easier to see for testing). The length of each string must not exceed the maximum character length per line.

Your function should take in the maximum characters per line and return a data structure representing all lines in the indicated max length.


words1 = [ "The", "day", "began", "as", "still", "as", "the",
          "night", "abruptly", "lighted", "with", "brilliant",
          "flame" ]

wrapLines(words1, 13) "wrap words1 to line length 13" =>

  [ "The-day-began",
    "flame" ]

wrapLines(words1, 12) "wrap words1 to line length 12" =>

  [ "The-day",
    "flame" ]    

wrapLines(words1, 20) "wrap words1 to line length 20" =>

  [ "The-day-began-as",
    "with-brilliant-flame" ]

words2 = [ "Hello" ]

wrapLines(words2, 5) "wrap words2 to line length 5" =>

  [ "Hello" ]

wrapLines(words2, 30) "wrap words2 to line length 30" =>

  [ "Hello" ]  

words3 = [ "Hello", "Hello" ]

wrapLines(words3, 5) "wrap words3 to line length 5" =>

  [ "Hello",
  "Hello" ]

words4 = ["Well", "Hello", "world" ]

wrapLines(words4, 5) "wrap words4 to line length 5" =>

  [ "Well",
  "world" ]

words5 = ["Hello", "HelloWorld", "Hello", "Hello"]

wrapLines(words5, 20) "wrap words 5 to line length 20 =>

  [ "Hello-HelloWorld",
    "Hello-Hello" ]

words6 = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
wrapLines(words6, 20) "wrap words 6 to line length 20 =>

  [ "a-b-c-d" ]

wrapLines(words6, 4) "wrap words 6 to line length 4 =>

  [ "a-b",
    "c-d" ]

wrapLines(words6, 1) "wrap words 6 to line length 1 =>

  [ "a",
    "d" ]

All Test Cases:
          words,  max line length
wrapLines(words1, 13)
wrapLines(words1, 12)
wrapLines(words1, 20)
wrapLines(words2, 5)
wrapLines(words2, 30)
wrapLines(words3, 5)
wrapLines(words4, 5)
wrapLines(words5, 20)
wrapLines(words6, 20)
wrapLines(words6, 4)
wrapLines(words6, 1)

n = number of words OR total characters

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

class Solution {
    static void Main(String[] args) {
        String[] words1 = new String[] {"The","day","began","as","still","as","the","night","abruptly","lighted","with","brilliant","flame"};
        String[] words2 = new String[] {"Hello"};
        String[] words3 = new String[] {"Hello""Hello"};
        String[] words4 = new String[] {"Well""Hello""world"};
        String[] words5 = new String[] {"Hello""HelloWorld""Hello""Hello"};
        String[] words6 = new String[] {"a""b""c""d"};
        printOutput(wrapLines(words1, 13));        
        printOutput(wrapLines(words1, 12));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words1, 20));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words2, 5));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words2, 30));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words3, 5));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words4, 5));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words5, 20));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words6, 20));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words6, 4));
        printOutput(wrapLines(words6, 1));
    static void printOutput(String[] result)
        for(int i= 0 ;i< result.Count(); i++) 
    static String[] wrapLines(String[] words, int expectedLength)
        List<String> result = new List<String>();
        int count = 0;
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        for(int i=0;i < words.Count(); i++)
            int lenOfEachWord = words[i].Count();
            if((count+lenOfEachWord) <= expectedLength)
                count += lenOfEachWord +1// 1 for hyphen
                //Console.WriteLine(count + " " + str.ToString());
            else {
                    count = 0;
                    str = new StringBuilder();
        return result.ToArray();

Quinoa pulao

 1 cup quinoa 2 tbsp ghee 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 inch cinnamon 6-8 cloves 1 bay leaf chopped ginger, onion, carrot, beans, green peas, salt, wa...