Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Quinoa pulao

 1 cup quinoa

2 tbsp ghee

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 inch cinnamon

6-8 cloves

1 bay leaf

chopped ginger, onion, carrot, beans, green peas, salt, water

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Palak Paneer

1. Palak blanch and puree

2. tomato , garlic, ginger paste

3. Roast - add salt, red chilli, jeera powder, amchur powder, dhaniya powder.

4. Add palak, cook for 2-3 mins, add paneer.

Sunday, January 5, 2025


Why do you feel hungry!! 

1. You are stressed - can I come out of the stress? Hard to talk to anyone, easy thing is to eat and feel happy about it. 
2. Deficiency of nutrients - you will want to eat
3. You are not drinking enough water - you will go for something to eat or drink
4. If you are not sleeping well - body will have cravings 

Tummy is full - body will get signal. If you mind is somewhere else, you will not know how much to eat. It takes 20 mins to reach the signal.

Pillars to lose Fat

1. Metabolism 

energy production, repair of the body.

Magic pill to improve metabolism - Walking

2. Muscle Mass

Magic pill to improve muscle mass

Cardio - Strength training, yoga and balance asanas

3. Mind

Stress management  - improves hormonal health

Periods one month long - by doing exercise she fixed it.

eat right and work out, manage your stress well, all other things will be managed by hypothalamus 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Skin Care

Dry Skin hack - 
mix moisturizer and coconut oil in 1:1 ratio. Even better apply on damp skin.

Skin Care: 
Cleanser ---> Moisturizer --> Medication --> Sunscreen

Azelia facewash
Humida Cream
Vitamin C Day time 
Retinol Retiglow Night
UVRex Sunscreen

Monday, December 23, 2024

Bhagavad Gita - Timeless teachings of Wisdom and Virtue - For Children

 1. The stick of attachment

A man, all lifelong accumulated wealth, helped no one, was a misery soul. As a consequence of his unkindness and lack of generosity throughout his life, he found himself in Hell. Krishna gave him a chance when he searched through his record of miser's lifetime to justify his release from Hell. He had given a rotten banana, that tiny act of goodness was sufficient to get him out. But when Krishna helped him with a stick to climb out, he became possessive of the stick, feeling entitle. That moment of selfishness disappeared the stick and he was stuck.

Dhristrastra's concern - Attachment brings sorrow and frustration.

2. A secret Mantra

The king found himself frequently caught in the grips of intense emotions, swinging from elation to despair. On such days making even the simplest decisions proved to be a challenge. His emotional outbursts resulted in several embarrassing moments at critical points. Thus he wanted emotional stability.
He asked his ministers to find the secret mantra of transforming my joy into sorrow and sorrow into joy. Just on the verge of giving up to find, he met a travelling monk, he gave a ring. The king wore and there was an attack and king felt like giving up his life, but he saw the ring and he opened it, it was written "THIS TOO SHALL PASS". Upon reading this a renewed sense of hope flowed through him. He returned back to the battle and fought with unmatched fervour.

Krishna's teachings - Accept the unfavorable conditions like we accept weather.

3. A donkey that barked at a thief

Embrace your duty - It is better to focus on and perform our duties rather than attempting to mimic those of others. Even if we don't find out work particularly enjoyable, it is important to stay committed to our responsibility.

4. Importance of a Guru

500 note crumpled, doesn't lose its value, similarly in life we may feel worthless, depressed and unloved. But remember, no matter what happens, your life is still valuable. Yogesh - guru was away - a man had committed a sin, he asked to take God's name 4 times. When Guru came back, he said the name of God is so powerful that taking the name just once is enough.

The path to wisdom - Krishna elucidated the significance of having a guru and delineated the proper disciple-guru relationship. Take informed decisions under the guidance of a Guru.

5. The unsuccessful theft

Happiness lies within - by shifting our focus from worldly objects of pleasures to God, who resides in our hearts, we can experience boundless happiness and freedom from anxiety.

6. The Genie

Mastering the unruly mind - Success in any endeavour comes when the mind is at peace. A disturbed mind finds it challenging to focus on any kind of work or solve life's problems. Chanting assists in diverting the mind from negative influences and directing it toward the sacred name of God.

7. Brain Attack

"How immature",  Stomach thought to himself. He kept quiet, unwilling to involve himself in this mud-slinging match.

Finding inner peace - Our numerous likes and dislikes, along with desired and aversions, cloud our perception of clear facts, As a result we tend to concoct imaginary narratives based on what we wish to believe rather than facing the truth. Changing our approach to life allows us to recognise the inherent goodness in everyone and find positivity even in situations that initially appear negative.

8. Attaining the Divine

Thursday, December 19, 2024


 Life m sab kuch acha h, jo bhi mila h sab bahut best mila h, smile karke baat karo :) 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


 We get considered for promotion based on performing at next level while being in current level. Find out the job performance requirements for next level, deliver & lead at that level for atleast few quarters. Then, discuss in 1:1 with supervisor. Take up or sign-up for any stretch goal. If we perform in current level only, we may be overlooked. We need to make a splash, so ripples of our performance is noticed. The other critical thing is to interact with as many different department & stakeholders. Organizations take full picture view, they want to see how we can deliver aligned with their vision. Promo feedbacks are typically solicited from different stakeholders. Earn Trust, Deliver, Provide Direction. If we need to get promoted, we need to drive our career bus, if we are passenger only awaiting promo it may take a while.


Quinoa pulao

 1 cup quinoa 2 tbsp ghee 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 inch cinnamon 6-8 cloves 1 bay leaf chopped ginger, onion, carrot, beans, green peas, salt, wa...