Friday, November 7, 2014

From what we get, we can make a living; What we give, however makes a life!

A Day of Care, A Day of Joy! 

With all the thrill, joy,excitement and eagerness to know what this beautiful sunny adventurous Friday had saved for them, the kids came running towards the buses no sooner when the bus arrived at the gates of SOS Children Village Hyderabad.

They hijacked the buses , not even being skeptical for a single minute, grabbed their seats showing immense happiness and  enthusiasm. They were already amazed with big AC Volvo buses with big seats and perhaps more comfortable than their non-profit govt school buses they are used to, they started chirping and shouting "akka what is you name?" , "Sister, i want to dance", "Akka songs please", "Akka Window open  ..  and so on..

Each beaming face was so eager to talk to you, tell you about their cousin brothers and sisters who were with them in the same trip and how thankful and happy they were to get a chance to go a Zoo and see their own favorite birds and animals. Some were little shy to talk but never forgot to pass back a smile with sparkling eyes to show their appreciation for paying attention to them. They were given chips water to munch for the journey.

We reached the zoo gate and they followed our instructions like an obedient child willing to do anything given a chance to enter the zoo and explore nature. Running with all the energy their small weak legs could provide, they started pointing at the known common animal names. There was this kid who did not forget to carry a paper and pen and carefully jotted down all the names of the wildlife creatures that she encountered.

The sultry and sunny afternoon where the sun was shinning with all its might did not succeed to drain all the energy of these young and little fellows. They were given their packed lunch and juice. All charged up again showed great interest to go and have a look at the amphibians.

And it was time to mark an end to this amazing zoo trip with the kids and get into the buses so that they can be dropped back to their abode where they can continue to live like any other day with the only hope to get better and better each day. They were given chips, juice and bananas as evening snacks. It was a treat to them when the bus stopped in middle so that the delighted children can get more cooler with their favorite ice-creams. The small hands bid goodbye and asked with curiosity and hope as when will they see us again and we promised sooner than they expect :)

The day was filled with joy, appreciation and left a lasting impression on our memory. We had already started feeling attached to these beautiful souls who always smiled while talking to you. Loved their energy and enthusiasm they had with them every minute. It felt as if you made the day special for someone out there... I am already feeling blessed and humbled to get an opportunity to spend some time with them and make a little difference in their just one another day of life.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Automobile Tracker

Here is my first windows app on store.

Here is the link

What is this app about? 

You can track the public transport of Andhra Pradesh and you use for your own safety. A WP mobile app. Knowledge is power, if we know it, we might avoid it! Check the registration details of a public transport - auto or cab to ensure its an active vehicle, not stolen. Planning for a weekend outdoor trip? It would help if you can check the hired vehicle has some challans for that extra driving security for you and your family. Late at night getting into an auto or cab, take a picture of the registration plate, let the OCR parse the text and SMS it to a near one. Also the pic is saved for future reference. In case you forget something in a public transport, you can trace back your steps, each vehicle no. you searched for is stored in your history. Want to use it, no need to wait, app is now published on Windows Store App. Your Safety, Your Priority!

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Adolescence was not kind to Jessica.  Whenever she looked in the mirror, a pudgy pre-teen looked back at her.  She avoided mirrors, cameras, anything that could reflect or record her image, dreading the thought of having to see her true self.    
She had a friend who was everything she wanted to be, Jennifer Lawrence.  She was tall, thin, beautiful, well-dressed and well-liked.  While Jessica was more the introvert, taking her time to warm up before getting social, Jennifer was always the center of attention making friends the instant she walked into a room.  She lived vicariously, watching boys fall over themselves trying to get her attention.  Even teachers seemed to treat her better than other students.

How much better my life would be if I could only be more like Jennifer Lawrence!  So Jessica tried.  She played the sports Jennifer played, wore similar clothes, tried diet after diet to match her slenderness, talked like her, walked like her, and acted like her. She was convinced she had the formula for success and happiness.

Then one summer her mother found her trying to bleach her hair.  Some chunks of hair had turned pumpkin orange, some nearly white and the rest reddish-brown.  Her mother was devastated, as was she.  When her mother asked her why would she do anything to ruin her beautiful brown hair, she told her how much she wanted a better color, like Jennifer's.  In her great wisdom, her mother said

"It's funny how we sometimes want what we don't have.  The grass seems greener on the other side of the fence.  But then, when you get there and look back, you realize the grass was just as green if not more brilliant on your own side.  If you spend all of your time trying to be someone else, there is no time left to discover who you are.  What you need to remember is no one can be a better Jennifer Lawrence than Jennifer Lawrence, in the same way that no one can be a better you, than you yourself.  So, it makes no sense to waste your time trying to be her.  She will always do a better job than you can.  But if you focus on being the best you can be, no one can ever exceed you."

It was a great lesson for her.  Being true to herself was effortless in comparison to trying to be someone she was not.  The more she honored what was authentic to herself, the better she performed, the more confident she became, the bigger the impact she made and the happier she was.  It was a lesson she carried into her professional career, because there will always be pressure, whether external or self-imposed, to conform to a perceived model for happiness or effectiveness or potential or whatever you happen to be measured against.

Individuality is one of our greatest assets.  It requires a commitment to know thyself, plus vigilance in resisting the temptation to become something we are not.  It takes courage to speak your truth and follow your passion, particularly when it departs from the status quo, but the closer to genuine the greater the likelihood for success.  Interestingly, what is true for the individual is also true for business.  Companies that get caught up in the competition and stray too far from their core competencies frequently flounder or fail.  Those resurrected are often saved by reconnection with the fundamentals of their unique raison d'etre. 

If there is a moral to her story, it is this: there will always be a place for the unique person you are, so be at ease with what that means to you and confident in knowing it is more than enough to succeed. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A girl meets 3 angels

It was a long train journey. I was incoherently looking out of the window just to catch glimpse of at least a little interesting sight, but in vain. All seemed boring and dull. Opposite to my berth there sat a lady who looked in twenties. She was talking to the gentleman sitting next to her. They were continuously jabbering since morning I opened my eyes. I kept thinking on my mind that how can two strangers talk so much. Trying to keep myself busy, I thought of listening to their not-so-private conversation. And she continued...

       "I must say that god really loves me.. He always wanted me to see improve .. Gave me a lot of opportunities to become a good person.. But each time I failed him. . his love for me was so strong that he didn't give up .. This time he made me meet 3 beautiful people I have ever seen.. Yes , I was bad as usual .. But after being in touch with them for continuous two months , I realized how loving and caring people actually are . I learnt so many things from them that it completely changed my way of thinking . I remember how I used to think negative about people .. But one of this angel made me realize that all people are good and it is just me who targets one incident and change my view reaching to conclusions.. I changed this habit and today I hardly think negative about anyone..

      This other angel made me to act selflessly. She used to consider everyone in her surrounding , think about her friends and used to do work without whining.. She accepted people with open heart and loved them..

        My third angel .. I will never forget one thing about her .. Her helping nature .. Many a times I was rude to her .. But the day I needed the most help in this world, she helped me.. She accepted me with my flaws.. She taught me not to care what other thinks and do what you think is correct ..

         I have always tried to grab good thing from people but never succeeded.. But this time I have incorporated it in my life and I feel that I have completely changed on how I used to think............" and this lady continues talking with the gentleman who shows too much interest in her life.

          I don't remember what they talked in next 18 hours... But it left me with me eerie feeling.. I din't even know this lady's name but definitely knew about significant changes of her life.. Her conversation reflected me what I needed to change in my mind. It is really strange how strangers can sometimes make you ponder upon your life...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Know Thyself

             You must have heard people often say that how knowing the powers within you is important. Realizing one's own potential, their own strength and weakness is one of the key to success.. blah blah.. but wait, have you ever considered the fact that you may have overestimated your goods and bad ? 
             In this fast racing world, everyone feels that he is ahead of everyone else, but are you really better than hundred of others whom you have left behind or was it just an opportunity that you got and they couldn't. People often fail to accept their flaws because they are too busy thinking that the person in front of you is not perfect.

              So here is the thing. Do not have a illusory superiority. You think that you know about yourself more than others do. This leads for example, not to believe that the other person will ever understand you. And at the same time, you believe you have understood their point of view because you know you are smart enough to assume they are wrong. Funny isn't it ;)

Victoria Canada Trip

 Victoria city to do and must have  1. Parliament building  2. Waterfront  3. Mini sea-bus at waterfront  4. Fisherman wharf   5. Museum (op...