Monday, December 19, 2022

Driving scenarios in Canada

1. Turn left 

    a. Check left mirror and blind spot.

    b. When safe, give left indicator. Check left mirror and blind spot.

    c. Gradually move towards left lane without reducing speed and before the white solid lines start.

    d. If red or yellow, wait for green signal for left turn signals.

    c. If you are the second car in the left lane, after the first car moves and its green, you can move one spot forward and turn left once safe and no pedestrians crossing.

2. Turn right

    a. Check right mirror and right blind spot.

    b. When safe, give right indicator. Check right mirror and right blind spot.

    c. Gradually move towards rightlane without reducing speed and before the white solid lines start.

    d. If red or yellow, do a complete stop before the white solid line. Once safe, enough gap from left straight traffic and no pedestrians crossing, turn right and speed up.

    c. If green, once safe, turn right.

3. If skid in snow

    a. Move to the direction of skidding. Example if car is going left, turn left.

    b. Apply brakes and remove your leg from brakes, then again apply, then again leave. This will prevent from brakers being blocked. 

4. Test hill

    a. After the car is stopped, put it is neutral, if the car is not moving or moving forward, put the car in park mode and turn the wheels to left.

    b. If the car is moving backward, turn the wheels towards right.

5. Pull over

    a. We cannot pull over at these places -  driveway, fire-extinguisher, no parking sign, no-stop sign and curb.

    b. Give right indicator 3-5 seconds. Look in the rear mirror, right side and blind spot for clearance.

    c. Drive to the side of the curb. If it is not 1 cm away, reverse and make the car straight.

    d. Put in neutral and do hill test. 

    e. Put in park mode and turn the wheels left/right according to the hill test.

    f. If you are getting out of the car, look at the blond spot, left mirror and open the door with the right hand which will make us look back and open.

6. Hazards

 Car hazards: Bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, fast car, truck, bus, emergency vehicles.

 Weather: too sunny , rain, snow, wet/slippery road, fog.

Construction zone, school zone, playground zone.

Parked cars, hidden driveways, pets and children playing in playgrounds.

7. Merge to the left lane sign

    a. As soon as you start seeing the merge sign - when safe, left indicator and change lane. 

    b. If you are already in left lane, check for blind spots and right mirror to see if any car is trying to merge.

8. While crossing any intersection

 a. Check for pedestrians and car by turning head left and right.

9. Stop sign, no traffic signal

    Turn left: 
Start giving indicator to left 3-4 seconds before. You need to complete stop at stop sign no matter what. Then to turn left, wait for the intersection to be clear. Watch on the right side for any cars coming straight, if safe gap ands safe gap for cars coming from left side straight, take left turn noticing the yellow line or divider.

 Turn right:

Start giving right indicator to left 3-4 seconds before. You need to complete stop at stop sign no matter what. Then to turn left, wait for the intersection to be clear. Watch on the right side for any cars coming straight, if safe gap ands safe gap for cars coming from left side straight, take left turn noticing the yellow line or divider.

10. Left side reverse parking

    a. Drive towards your lot and move straight as much as possible.

    b. Turn one rotation to the right, move 45 degrees in front.

    c. Reverse, 360 check, turn full left, back up by looking in both sides mirror. Once you can see both cars headlight start turning the steering towards straight.

11. Right side reverse parking  

    a. Drive straight to the next slot half where you want to park, such that the rear passenger door of the car is in your slot where you want to park.

    b. Turn one rotation steering left, 45 degrees angle move straight.

    c. Reverse, put right indicator on, full rotation to the right, back up until you see parallel lines or both sides car and turn rotation to straight and back up.

12. Parallel parking

    a. Right indicator 3-5 seconds before you want to park.

    b. Stop the car parallel to the car ( matching the mirror of the car) behind which you want to stop. 

    c. Put reverse, 360 check, left indicator, check rear mirror, left mirror, blind spot,

    d. turn one rotation right, move looking at the rear mirror till 45 degree angle of your left mirror and front parked car back.

    e. turn one rotation left, back up and keep moving  till the curb disappears.

    f. All the way to left until you go parallel. Straight wheel, test hill, park, e-brakes

13. Speed signs

    a. Turn your head towards the speed sign to show the examiner you have noticed. You need to maintain speed as mentioned on the sign. You cannot go even 1 km above the mentioned number. -5 is fine. It shouldnt be below that.

14. For playground, school zones

    a. Notice the diamond shapes with rectangle below where speed is mentioned. You should be at 30 speed till the time you reach the board. Keep noticing for the blind spot sign end and turn your head to show the examiner you have noticed the speed limit end for it. 

15. Reverse in a straight line

    Right side turn if rear end moving away from curb

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