Monday, February 27, 2023

PM role questions

 1. Design the world's best coffee machine

2. You're sitting next to the CEO of Indian Oil, he says that govt is planning to close down all the free-lefts in India. Should he be concerned? What's the impact on his business?

3. I want to start a startup in Home Automation area. What should I do? How should I go about it?

4. How do we solve the parking problem in hyderabad? Can we make something like airbnb for parking? that you can book parking slots? Design it completely, all features and prioritization etc

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Quinoa pulao

 1 cup quinoa 2 tbsp ghee 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 inch cinnamon 6-8 cloves 1 bay leaf chopped ginger, onion, carrot, beans, green peas, salt, wa...