Saturday, March 9, 2019

Interview Preparation

Array --> simple array, array rotation, stack, queue using two array, tree representation of array, preorder ,inorder traversal using array, searching and sorting array, in-place search sort, array for doubly ended queue, Hash table using array,
 concurrent hash table using array.

 LinkedList  --> Linkedlist traversal, binary search in linked list, tree conversion , cycle detection in dll, random pointer.

 Tree --> different tree,  inoorder, preorder, post order traversal  and their properties, tree creation from array , linked list. Different tree operation like ancesortor, predecessor, level order traversal

 Graph - BSF, DSF, Djkestras, max min cut problem, cycle detection, back edge,

 Hash table --> Different hash algorithm, Distributed hash algorithm, different collision resolution technique, consistent hashing

 Distributed system  -- problem with distributed system, message queue,  communication within node, concept of ACID transaction, CAP theorem, shared file system.

 Database - sql vs No sql when to use and why. simple sql queries, ACID property, distributed database, sharding vs partition sharing, Key value data base, document database. case study elastic search

 Operating System --> OSI layer, process synchronization , different problem with their solution(producer -consumer/ dining philosopher), deadlock detection prevention, thread, process, memory management,memory allocation , os bootstraping, bios loading. How
 .net environment work on top of OS . fragmentation, segmentation, virtual memory technique.

 Networking  - OS layers,how different protocol work tcp, http, ssl,ftp, ajax technology.

 Pipeline and code deployment cycle-- docker image, how Microsoft binary are created.

 Testing - load testing, integration testing, unit testing, different stage of testing( beta, gamma , prod..).. code monitoring, clod based monitoring system,  what to monitoring, post deployment works.


 Problem solving  from geekfor geek, practice 100 popular question from leet code and then on paper, try to come up with all the test case on paper

 watch tushar roy youtube channel for design and coding video

 go through groking design interview

 Go through design interview approach for Gaurav sen videos


 Go through the design article  like

 Start with small start up.. then try for big dream companies

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