Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Amla Chutney

1. Roast amla and garlic. Roasting garlic is optional but adds to the flavor. 

2. Wash coriander leaves really well, chop them (I use stalks as well). 

3. In a mixer grinder, take coriander leaves, roasted chopped amla (seeds removed), garlic and green chillies.. add little water and blend.. once its blended properly, add salt to taste and blend once more. Done.

4. Transfer to a glass jar. Stays good for a week if stored properly in refrigerator.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Food for toddlers

 1. Strawberry lassi -> 2 strawberries, curd and Brown sugar( Panachkari)

2. Oats moong dal dosai -> 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup mooong dal, 1/4 cup raw rice, carrot , onion spinach 

3. Oats dosa -> Powdered oats, buttermilk, hing, salt, pepper, onion, green capsicum, carrot

4. Sweet potato radish rice -> 1/2 tbsp rice, 1/2 tbsp moongdal, grated sweet potato, and radish with a pinch of salt

5. Spinach and paneer -> grind paneer with curd, corriander leaves and pinch of salt. mix this to boiled spinach.

6. Potato onion paratha -> Heat ghee, add turmeric, chilli powder, jeera, fry for few sec then add onions, cook till they turn brown and add salt for stuffing. Add boiled potatoes and corriander leaves and mix well. Make parathas.

7. Cerelac - Homemade cerelac 1 tbsp, 1/2 tbsp ragi, 1 creastone spoon pana chakaria and pinch of salt.

8. Oats apple porridge - Grate apple, 1 tbsp powdered oats 1 dates powderboil in water

9.Oats khichdi - > hing onion arrot spinach oats corander leaves

10. paneer kheer -> water coconute milk paneer almod powder cardamom pwder carrot rice potato 

11. Saboo -> Soak sago overnight or in hotwater for 3 hours. When you press sago it should break. Then add boil water in pan once it starts to boil, add sago and wait for it become transparent. Add little jaggery powder.

12. Coconut milk -> grind coconut in mixie once it's ground add water grind again n filter ... Tats ur first extract of coconut milk ll be vry thick... Use d filtered coconut n add mor water n grind again n filter again ... This s second milk wch is lighter

13. https://youtu.be/ARWb3rqOXsc. Homemade cerelac

14. Soak in water overnight n next day press d kismis with ur hands into the soaked water all d juices ll come out... Give this juice to her ..

Ragi laddu

 1. 1 cup ragi flour

2. 1/4 cup badam

3. 1 tbsp sesame seeds

4. 3 tbsp ghee

5. 1/2 cup + 3 tbsp jaggery powder

6. 4 tbsp milk or as needed

Dry roast badam and sesame seeds

Add ghee and roast ragi flour

Add jaggery powder once flame is switched off

Add nuts in mixi and grind it

Add ragu and jaggery and grind till it becomes wet consistency 

Add milk as needed to make into laddu shape

Ragi Oats cookies for toddlers

1. 6 tbsp ragi flour roasted

2. 2 tbsp wheat flour lightly roasted 

3. 2 tbsp oats

4. 4 tbsp palm sugar

5. 4.5 tbsp ghee melted

6. Half of 1/4 tbsp baking powder

7. A pinch of salt

8. 2 tbsp milk

Bale at 180 degress for 20 mins + 5 mins

Monday, April 20, 2020

Prishu's Diary

First Month -

You are the most beautiful girl I will ever know in my life. The first time i saw you, you looked at me directly into my eyes. I couldn't believe the moment was here when we were waiting for you so eagerly to be a part of this world, to be a part of me. Somehow I blame myself, for you not being comfortable that point of time. I assured you that I will take care of you. I told you to come home, we need to go to Hyderabad. You listened to me and you came home in a week. First two weeks you were fed with katori chamach. Then I switched your pediatrician, and you were able to drink smoothly with a bottle. Touchwood. You got very cranky and crying all the time in mid of third and fourth week, I am not sure, it was mostly due to hunger, which i couldn't recognize and lack of sleep. I learnt later that immediately after feed i need to calm you and put back to sleep.

Second Month -

Crying and uneasiness continued. I came to Ghusuri, mom's place. I was more relaxed as mom took care of your feeding and putting you at ease. However, I was always troubled whenever you feel troubled. Showed to you to another doctor on 6th Feb. I m so so relaxed! He mentioned that you have something called ***. It will go away as you grow up and have solids. I m so so relieved baby. This is your 7th week and I m becoming better and better mentally preparing myself to handle you. Second month was spent entire at Mom's place. She took care of you on her toes. Maalish, feeding, putting you to sleep and putting you at ease daily as you cried your lungs out, being colic, daily.



🩲Poop became regulated , daily morning around 8 as soon as you woke up :* First two weeks in the first month, it was 10-15 times in a day and night. Before and after every feed.
🩲Drinking milk is a challenge. Had to feed you every hour less than 1 oz as you did not drink milk at all.
🩲Colic has reared its ugly head. You cried on top of your voice for straight 3-4 hours. Starting at 1around 10:30 at night. Meera & mom played a big role in calming you down.
🩲 You achieved social smile milestone. I remember you could follow eye movement as well when we used to do video chat with dad daily and moved the phone and your eyes moved along.
🩲Had started to hold youhead better
🩲Sleept a little may be 1-2 hour during day. You did not sleep at all after two weeks in your first month during the day time. Night time was fine as usual. Touchwood.
🩲You loved talking and replied with gurgles, grunts and coos

Third Month:
Dad came to receive you from Ghusuri. We came to Poddar Vihar, Kolkata. Stayed there for 10 days, celebrated your first Holi and we came to Hyderabad on 10th midnight. You fell very sick with terrible cough and cold. It took time and you recovered.


So at the 3-month-mark, let me list some of the milestones that you were capable of :
🍼Raises head and chest when lying on stomach
🍼Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back
🍼Opens and shuts hands
🍼Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface
🍼Stuffs both of her hands in her mouth and makes a "chus chus" sound 😍
🍼Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands
🍼Grasps and shakes hand toys
Visual and hearing milestones
🍼Watches faces intently
🍼Follows moving objects
🍼Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance
🍼Starts using hands and eyes in coordination
🍼Smiles at the sound of my voice
🍼Started to babble
🍼Turns head toward direction of sound 
🍼Has become more communicative and expressive with face and body

Fourth Month:



Phew so many changes in her in just one month. So, listing her milestones here:
🎀 Her sleep became little better during day but again close to four month completion she stopped sleeping at all during day.
🎀 She clasps hands, plays with her fingers, responds to loud sounds, enjoys close verbal and visual stimulation. Could catch one leg toes from one hand.
🎀Smiles back if I smile at her 😊
🎀Babbles and coos when you talk to her
🎀Proper tummy time. First time could lift her head properly.
🎀Pushes up to elbow when on tummy time
🎀 Moves her eyes where I or her toy moves
🎀Can hold a rattle on her own and then hits herself with it
🎀Cries if she doesn't see a human beside her 🤦‍♀️
🎀Rolled for the first time. (3.5 months) Yayy 😊
🎀Wakes up at 5 am and annoys mumma. Sleeps back at 7:30 am to 8.00 am
🎀Loves playing on the gym set and rocker chair.

Fifth Month:

💖Her grasp is getting very strong. She can pull objects and pick them up in her hand
💖Has started grabbing curtains etc and has started mouthing them.🙄
💖Can hold a toy by herself
💖 loves watching TV in case anyone is watching. We quickly move her away
💖Her babbles have started sounding so much like words
💖Raises her head and spine and wants to sit
💖Laughs in a gurgling, infectious way when you play with her
💖Is fascinated by things around her

Sixth Month:

🏆Picks up her head when on her back to signal us to make her sit
🏆Sits unassisted (in tripod position) and sometimes tries to lift both the supporting hands too 😳
🏆Started taking 3 day time naps. I feel blessed.😴😫
🏆Has just started solids and jumps on food when she us eating 🤤
🏆Wants attention. You can't be in the room and not talk to her 🤐
🏆Can recognize familiar faces 😍
🏆Cries if she sees you leave or finds herself alone in the room 😫
🏆Smiles back and babbles if you smile at her 😄
🏆Has much more interest in toys than ever.
🏆Can pass an object from one hand to another
🏆Makes a swiping movement to grab things, like a bird hunting a prey
🏆Wants to mouth everything, including her toes 🙄
🏆Tries to get things that are out of reach & falls head down in the process 🤦‍♀️
🏆Doesn't like her baby gym at all🏋️‍♀️ 
🏆Gets all excited when playing peek-a-boo
🏆Makes a deep gurgling sound and shakes her legs vigorously when excited. I love this sound of hers
🏆Bears more weight on her legs & bounces while in standing position
🏆Responds to situations & makes happy & sad faces
🏆Can roll both ways. Tummy to back as well. Does very little but was able to do.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Stuff Tomato

Boil 2 potatoes adding salt. Hollow 500 gms tomatoes. Mix 50 gm paneer, 50 gm boiled and mashed peas, 2 tbsp bread crumbs, 1tbsp butter, green chillies, red chilly powder, dhaniya powder, stuff the above mixture in the hollow tomatoes. Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds, chopped onion and green chillies. Stir fry properly. Add tomato pulp add 1/2 cup curd and stir well. Put stuffed tomatoes and cover for sometime. Add garam masala when the tomatoes are tender.

PN: Microwave stuffed tomato in 5 min in grill mode (jaali wala) and add it to the gravy for fast cooking!

Chole Batura


1. Soaked chana overnight + pinch of soda + salt + pinch of turmeric powder.
2. Churn - Ginger + chilli paste + garlic + onion + red chilly powder + dhaniya powder + haldi + salt + chole masala.
3. Heat oil, add the above paste and saute till masala becomes black. Add pulp of tamarind and boiled chana.
4. Heat oil in pan, add jeera, hing, bay leaves, boiled potatoes cut into pieces.
5. Put potato in chana cook till it becomes dry.
6. Add kasturi methi.


1. Maida, curd, oil, kasturi methi, salt. 4-5 hours let it settle.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Deal with a crying baby

Infants cry only for five reasons:

  1. Hunger
  2. Too hot or cold
  3. Diaper change - before or after feed
  4. Gas
  5. Not well
How to soothe a crying baby:

Children Sleep Cycle

After 10 months, we can follow this 2-3-4 Pattern:

- The first nap starts at 2 hours from the time your baby wakes up.
- The 2nd nap starts 3 hours from the time nap 1 ends.
- Bedtime(so your bedtime routine starts earlier than this) is 4 hours from the time nap 2 ends.

Wake up : 7.00 am
Nap 1 : 9.00 am to 10.30am
Nap 2 : 1.30 pm to 3.30pm
Bedtime 7.30 pm


Tips I received from lot of people:

1. Stop stressing.
2. Loads of skin to skin. Strip down to your bra and keep your bub in her diaper and hug her. Kiss her. Let her just lay on your chest. Multiple times a day when she is happy and active.
3. Try to keep latching. When she is well fed and active. And please go meet an LC immediately.
4. Drink 4 liters of water daily. And I mean actually 4 liters. Don't guess. Measure.
5. Pump on schedule. Not random times in the day.

* First switching to paced feeding and using slowest nipple teat, so mimic the milk flow as of breastmilk flow .

* lot of skin to skin . ( it works like a magic )

* Always trying to catch early hunger cues, because too hungry baby would not want to work on latch ( too hungry baby doesn’t want to work to get its food )

*Trying different nursing positions, my son wouldn’t latch in cradle position but would latch in football hold or laid back position , when not too hungry .


* When I miss catching early hunger cues , I would sprinkle little expressed or formula milk on my nipple and try to latch baby ( of course he would cry his lungs out , but I would still try ). When this didn’t work , I would give him 30 ml of expressed or formula milk so he calms down a bit and try again .

* massaging breast and drinking some water just before feeding did help with milk flow .

*when my son latched and would unlatch soon due to slow letdown , I would try breast compression method so he keeps the latch on .

* most of the time I was too stressed , it was affecting my letdown ( my son was used to fastletdown at bottle , hence lazy to suck at breast ) , I started some relaxation exercises to calm myself down .

She can put garlic in milk boil and drink 2 glasses daily

Pumping output isn't an indicator of supply. Babies are more efficient in extracting milk than pump, even best pump can extract only 70% milk.

Weaning formula is very much possible. It will need lot of patience and determination. Looks like baby has bottle preference as milk drips from the bottle and baby is used to fast and easy flow of milk from bottle. At breast baby needs to put an efforts. Lot of skin to skin will help. She can try dream feeding. Switching to slowest flow nipple, milk. Shouldn't drip from the bottle if turn upside down and following paced feeding method.

Galact won't work unless breast are emptied at regular intervals. Plesee ask her to check if the flange size is correct, check #bsimflange

#bsimweaningoffformula #bsimweaningformula will be a good read

Try Zandu Shatavari powder supplement..it is increasing my milk supply like a miracle

Tell her to eat drumsticks, galact granule, lactare & drink lots of fluids jeera water,  milk etc.

 I found breast compressions helped increase amount of expressed bm. Also, short term use of domperidone tablets helped increase milk supply to some extent by releasing prolactin. Its available over the counter in India by the name domstal

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Tummy Massage for Colic Infant

Learnings of a new mom!

If your child is having trouble sleeping, few points to take sure:
  • If your infant is a heavy wetter, or its winter, put them on a diaper during day time as well.
  • After each feed, if they are falling asleep, let them sleep. Don't burp. Burp only if they are uncomfortable or awake. Keep them on your shoulders for 10 mins and make them sleep. 
  • If you see they are not sleeping by their own, make sure you put them to sleep by holding them for naps, soothing them, gentle swaddling them in your arms. 
  • Hold the baby for all naps. Let her sleep in your lap. Or while you're holding and rocking her.
Sleep cues of the baby:
  • Bicycling their legs or pushing them out straight
  • Arching back
  • Waving arms around as though pushing you away with their hands and fingers wide open
  • Hiccuping not related to feeding
  • Sneezing
  • Tongue thrusting  - this is poking tongue in and out 
  • Gaze aversion or staring into space, at, tv, lights etc
Late signs of sleeping: 
  • Rubbing eyes or rubbing their face into you
  • Pulling their hair, your hair, their ears, their blankets, or clothes etc
  • Yawning 
Too late sign of sleeping:
  • Crying
Colic/Gassy baby
  • Remember to give it half an hour before the infant's crying time
  • Try colic aid.
  • Decolic infant drops- Doctor suggested that it can be given 4-5 times a day. It did not work in my case.
  • Ajwain Water - Tulsi leaves (2/3), water half cup, ajwain a pinch, jaggery. Boil everything and reduce it to a spoonful. Avoid giving it before 4 months.
  • Homemade gripe water
  • Neopeptine once a day
  • Tummy time - helps to release gas
  • Tummy massage 
  • Fold the baby's ankles towards stomach such that thighs put pressure on the stomach. Push it up and down few times, it really relieves infant's tummy.
  • My doctor gave Protectic baby drops (Probiotic). Really helpful for tummy relief.

For loose motion:
  • Enterogermina
For fever:
  • Sumol drops - 5 drops only if the fever is above 100
For nose block:
  • Nasoclear
  • Solspre - Insert into nose and press the nozzle. Immediately wipe the node with a cloth and take out the mucus. 
  • Ear bud - wet the bud in nasoclear and clean the nose.


Homemade gripe water for colic/gassy infant

Ajwain 1/4 tsp
Fennel seed 1tbsp
Zeera 1/2tbsp
Water 2glass
Jeggry 1/2tbsp(optional)

Soak all ingredients in water about 3 to 4 hr. Boil till water reduced by its half. Cool it. Sieve it and give twice in a day.


No preservatives

Try to make fresh

Quinoa pulao

 1 cup quinoa 2 tbsp ghee 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 inch cinnamon 6-8 cloves 1 bay leaf chopped ginger, onion, carrot, beans, green peas, salt, wa...